Cigar Chat: Oliva Melanio and Oliva Connecticut

Brandon Hayes

Brandon Hayes:
I'm here today to talk about the Oliva Serie V Melanio. When we talk about an elegant cigar, this is one I think of. It was a former number one cigar of the year, has been a fantastic seller for us. It's my favorite cigar out of the Oliva line. I talk a lot about flavors that I pick up out of the cigar, and sometimes people I see their eyes glaze over. I read reviews, to be honest, where my eyes glaze over. They taste flavors that I just, I've just never had in my life, to be honest, out of a food, out of a spice. I have to look it up to tell you what it is. When we talk about a cigar that's got the flavor of like earthiness and cedarness, this is the cigar I think of. I think if you smoke this cigar and you don't get the cedar out of it, your palette's broken. No, I don't know what else to say. Really just a great cigar, a high-end cigar-smoking experience. Oliva is known for their quality, not of just their tobacco, but of their construction.

Scott Sinclair:
So, I agree, construction, quality, the Oliva Connecticut within the Oliva line is currently the best-selling in the brand for us. We've got young guys, we've got middle-aged. We go everybody across the board smoking this cigar right now, and it's got a little bit for everybody, complexity, balance, flavor, grab a Connecticut. It's flying off the shelf.

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