When it comes to cigars, the name Davidoff is synonymous with quality and legacy. Born in 1906, Zino Davidoff's story began in Kiev, Ukraine as the son of a cigar retailer. At that time, the family's inventory was created from blends of Asian-based tobaccos. After spending nearly twenty years learning the fam. . .
When it comes to cigars, the name Davidoff is synonymous with quality and legacy. Born in 1906, Zino Davidoff's story began in Kiev, Ukraine as the son of a cigar retailer. At that time, the family's inventory was created from blends of Asian-based tobaccos. After spending nearly twenty years learning the family business as a child, nineteen-year-old Davidoff went on a tobacco journey through Cuba and Latin America. This adventure completely changed his expectations regarding the full potential of the cigar experience.
He returned to the family shop in Geneva, Switzerland with a mind full of ideas for improving the cigar industry. Davidoff introduced Europe to a variety of unique tobacco blends from Latin America. Customers were able to buy and collect larger cigar orders as a result of the new storage methods he created. One of his most noteworthy inventions was the classic desktop humidor, a version of which every serious aficionado has owned at some point.
Perhaps Davidoff is best known however for the historic collaboration resulting in the European spread of Cuban cigars. As a merchant, he found great success with the Hoyo de Monterrey Chateaux Cuban cigar during the 1940s. This eventually led to a 1960s deal with the Cuban government to create the Cuban Davidoff cigar. It was around this time he also became famous for his Davidoff White Label series using tobacco from the Dominican Republic.
Modern Contributions of Davidoff Cigars
Despite the rich legacy of the Davidoff name, the company refuses to accept stagnation. Using the highest quality tobacco and innovative blends, their factories in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua continue to create top-notch brands. Although Zino himself is no longer looking over the shoulders of the craftsmen, every cigar is still created with the same dedication to consistency and flavor. From long-time smokers to novice experimenters, Davidoff Cigars has a cigar smoking experience for everyone.
🏆 In April of 2023 Renegade Cigars was selected as one of the top 8 Davidoff Cigars Retailers in the country. As a special thank you Davidoff hosted Renegade and their customers for an amazing celebration. Check out the video below!