Kristoff Cigars was established in 2004 by Glen Case. Kristoff is internationally known for producing some of the finest cigars in the industry. Kristoff Cigars prides themselves on their focus of quality, consistency, and availability to their consumers. Using only the highest quality of double and triple fermented premium tobaccos from around the world. . .
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Kristoff Cigars was established in 2004 by Glen Case. Kristoff is internationally known for producing some of the finest cigars in the industry. Kristoff Cigars prides themselves on their focus of quality, consistency, and availability to their consumers. Using only the highest quality of double and triple fermented premium tobaccos from around the world, Kristoff does not disappoint with their artfully blended cigars. These cigars satisfy all palates, even those of the most discriminating and critical cigar aficionados. Kristoff Cigars uses a centuries old bunching technique called “entubar” to create their beautiful cigars. This skillful bunching method creates a more firmly packed cigar which allows air to travel between all the leaves, carrying more aromatics and flavor to the palate. To ensure a great smoke for all consumers, Kristoff individually draw tests each cigar to maintain their name in quality amongst the greats.
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