Aganorsa Leaf -True cigar aficionados understand that the smoking experience is about the nuance of flavor. Every great cigar has its own smoke texture, afternotes, and physical feel. That is why creating a great stogie is a time-honored secret, cultivated over the decades and protected with a reputation for great products.
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Aganorsa Leaf -True cigar aficionados understand that the smoking experience is about the nuance of flavor. Every great cigar has its own smoke texture, afternotes, and physical feel. That is why creating a great stogie is a time-honored secret, cultivated over the decades and protected with a reputation for great products.
When Eduardo Fernandez decided to try his hand at manufacturing cigars in the late 1990s, he already knew the source of his inspiration. His task was to replicate the heart and soul of the classic Cuban cigar with his own personal touch. He began by traveling to Nicaragua to secure rich, fertile farms for growing the highest quality tobacco. Most importantly, he then visited Cuba to create an award-winning team of soil and plant scientists with experience in growing the best possible Cuban leaves. Many of the experts selected had been working with tobacco on the island for more than fifty years.
The challenge was simple. Take every ounce of knowledge and experience and recreate the flavor and sensation of world-famous Cuban cigars on Nicaraguan soil. The result of this wonderful experiment was Aganorsa Leaf.
Building A Company Around Aganorsa Leaf
Creating the perfect tobacco plant was just part of the challenge. Fernandez understood that only a vertically integrated organization could truly control quality at every stage of the process. That is why he trusts his team of Cuban experts to supervise the complete production of the cigars, from planting the seeds to the final packaging. These specialists understand the character of the smoking experience Aganorsa Leaf seeks to create for customers. Eduardo and his son Max, along with the veterans of the cigar industry, personally select the harvested tobacco. The leaves are then dried, prepared, rolled, and packaged at facilities in Miami or Nicaragua.
The family at Aganorsa Leaf are confident that just one smoke will demonstrate the unparalleled difference between our unique tobacco blend and ordinary cigars. After two decades of happy customers and repeated awards, even the most finicky of cigar lovers will be moved by our internationally known flavor.
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