ACID Cigars: Since being introduced in 1999, ACID has been a top selling cigar in the industry. Their secret blend of infused herbs and botanicals yields a smoking experience unlike anything else on the market. For over 10 years now Drew Estate has been going against the grain to truly satisfy the craving of infused cigar smokers by. . .
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ACID Cigars: Since being introduced in 1999, ACID has been a top selling cigar in the industry. Their secret blend of infused herbs and botanicals yields a smoking experience unlike anything else on the market. For over 10 years now Drew Estate has been going against the grain to truly satisfy the craving of infused cigar smokers by delivering a truly one-of-kind experience. Each ACID cigar is completely handmade using premium tobaccos at La Gran Fabrica, Drew Estates 96,000 square foot factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. Rolled with premium whole-leaf, long filler Nicaraguan tobaccos and essential oils, these infused cigars are truly a major stepping stone for the industry.
Some of ACID’s most sought-after cigars.
ACID Blondie: Connecticut Shade wrapper, small format cigar; slightly sweet
ACID Blondie Belicoso: Connecticut Shade wrapper, the sweetness you love in the Blondie - in a larger size.
ACID Blondie Maduro: Mexican San Andrés wrapper, earthier and slightly stronger than the original Blondie
ACID Kuba Kuba: Sumatra wrapper, fat robusto; medium-bodied
ACID 20: sweet-tipped Mexican San Andres wrapper over an Indonesian binder and Nicaraguan fillers; medium-bodied
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