The Caldwell Cigar Company was created and founded in 2014 with one simple ideal in mind: to create special cigars using well-aged and rare tobaccos. They achieve this by keeping three of their goals in mind; Creation, innovation and ambition. They really hit this mark when it comes to any of their cigars. Caldwell rarely disappoints and has maintained t. . .
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The Caldwell Cigar Company was created and founded in 2014 with one simple ideal in mind: to create special cigars using well-aged and rare tobaccos. They achieve this by keeping three of their goals in mind; Creation, innovation and ambition. They really hit this mark when it comes to any of their cigars. Caldwell rarely disappoints and has maintained that high standard since their founding. The Caldwell Cigar Company was founded by Robert Caldwell, who was little more than a cigar enthusiast before 2008, when he truly entered the industry. Robert Caldwell has been a nonstop creative force since entering the cigar industry. Always an avid smoker, Caldwell found himself in the industry through his love of cigars, as well as a bit of fate. His first venture was creating a hospitality cigar distribution company. His initial interest was to be on the sidelines, as more of a passive asset, but found himself waist deep before he knew what hit him.
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